Oh the nostalgia!
With the recent passing of Matthew Perry I have been watching re-runs of ‘Friends’ on Netflix (just 32 episodes in of the 326 in total – I think).
In the most recent episode I watched (S2 EP8), Chandler has obtained a new laptop for work, which he describes at a ‘bad boy’ due to its specification –
- ’12 Megabytes of RAM’
- ‘500 Megabyte Hard Drive’
- ‘Built-in Spreadsheet Capabilities’
- and wait for it…..‘and a Modem that Transmits at over 28000 BPS’.

From a technical perspective, it made me laugh how far we have come since 1995 (the broadcast date of this episode), and the fact we now take for granted unbelievable CPU speed, ample memory, vast storage both internally and via the cloud and the speed of connectivity.
I can remember selling Compaq machines (the ProSignia, Armada and ProLiant) in the late 90’s with specifications similar that boasted by Chandler.
Oh, the nostalgia, I love it!
Around about this time Microsoft also engaged the services of both Matthew and Jennifer Aniston to do a Promo video for Windows 95 see
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wdf66m0wQU – LOL
In the words of Chandler, regarding this video, ‘Could this be anymore cringey!’