Appointments are a built in feature within MatterSphere that a lot of people do not utilise.
Alongside being able to view upcoming tasks etc. you can also enter and track upcoming appointments.
Appointments can be added on an ad hoc basis or via the workflow (if this has been built in).
By utilising Appointments in MatterSphere you can see all your Tasks and Appointments in one place instead of moving between MatterSphere and Outlook.
Create an Appointment
Step 1 – From Command Centre
- Select Appointments in the Navigation Panel
- Click Add
- Choose the Matter the appointment should be created against
- Either Enter Client number or use Find
- Click Proceed when correct matter selected
Step 1 – From Matter
- Navigate to your specific Matter
- Select Appointments in the Navigation Panel
- Click Add
Step 2 – Appointment Details
Complete the appointment wizard in order to enter the initial appointment information.
- Click on drop down list to select an Appointment Type
- Click to select the appointment date
- Type in the start time and the expected end time
- Type in the Appointment Description
- Click Next to add further detail
- Add the Appointment Location
- Select the Fee Earner the appointment will be with.
- Finally click Finish to complete adding the appointment
Viewing Appointments
From Command Centre
- Select Appointments on the Navigation panel
- Check the Filters to ensure you are viewing the required detail
- Select the Fee Earner whose appointments you wish to view
The usual default is to view all Due Dates as Overdue
- Select the drop down to select the required timescale to view for appointments
The example shown below shows all the appointments on the system for the Fee Earner selected.
From Matter
- Navigate to the required matter
- Select Appointments on the Navigation panel
This will display all Appointments currently Active. Filters can be used to narrow down the list.
Managing Appointments
- Select the appointment to Edit
- Click Edit
- Make the changes
- Click Save and OK
You can easily manage your appointments on each matter by deleting those that have passed.
Deleting will just move the appointment into an inactive list allowing you to always view previous appointments whilst maintaining an up-to-date current list of upcoming appointments.
- Select the appointment to be deleted
- Click on Delete
Appointments that have been deleted and are now in Inactive can be restored to the active list easily
- Select the Inactive list
- Choose the appointment to be restored
- Click Restore
In future blogs we will look at how to incorporate appointments into precedents to either prompt to add and appointment or select an already created appointment.
If you have any queries or would like to request training please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.