Fusion have some new product developments on the way!
New Look Healthcheck
Fusions 3E MatterSphere Healthcheck tool has been updated to give not just a sleek new look but further functionality to aid in risk and compliance across matters/cases.
Healthcheck is an add-in module for MatterSphere that provides enhanced case management and tracking functionality to aid in areas of risk and compliance.
It also provides extended compliance reporting for senior staff from individual, team, department and firm-wide perspectives, as well as providing a real-time picture of live matter/cases to support the role of your firms Compliance Officer (COLP).
It provides a simple visual aid on all matters to alert users as to whether those initial compliance and risk areas have been completed and if not then they provide links to the correct areas to update this information.
The Healthcheck is now a MatterSphere panel and as such can be displayed across all tabs within the matter.
Fee Earner Dashboard
Here at Fusion we have developed a one stop area within the Command Centre that brings together all the other separate areas and returns meaningful data about your Clients and Matters.
The dashboard allows Fee Earners to view information and analytics across all Clients and all Matters whilst also allowing any Managers to view the same information across the teams they manage and co-ordinate.
This allows for a higher level of visibility with relation to outstanding Tasks, non-compliance on matters with relation to ID Checks, Client Care, Conflicts etc. as well as outstanding file reviews and financial information.
The dashboard is easy to use and provides clear visibility by the use of statistical parameters and colour customisations.
3E MatterSphere Helper
3E MatterSphere Helper is an additional tab in your Word application which is active when connected to MatterSphere.
It allows you to select a Department and/or Fee Earner and it applies those changes immediately without having to refresh.
Changes can be made in 3 steps instead of 7.
The 3E MatterSphere Helper ribbon also has the capacity to be configured with further shortcuts that may be beneficial to your use of 3E MatterSphere. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FURTHER ENHANCEMENTS
All these items are currently in development but we are happy to discuss further and offer a demonstration subject to further developments.
Please contact Sharon Brook in the first instance at [email protected]