GDPR – Are you GDPR compliant?
Fusion hosted their second GDPR seminar in conjunction with Ramsdens Solicitors and Viden Consulting to help clarify the GDPR legislation changes and, importantly, the impact it will have on businesses.
Fusion Support
Fusion hosted their second GDPR seminar in conjunction with Ramsdens Solicitors and Viden Consulting to help clarify the GDPR legislation changes and, importantly, the impact it will have on businesses.
Any business will tell you when it comes to IT, they want technology that “just works”.
Intel have released a large set of firmware upgrades (updates) for most processors less than five years old, but unfortunately these were found to be very unstable and were causing a lot of servers to crash, so they have been pulled away again!
NHS Digital has declared public cloud services to be a safe location for health and social care providers to store confidential patient information.
GDPR is fast approaching but what do companies need to be thinking about?
You may have read or seen on the news this week; there’s two bugs that have been discovered that have been described as the ‘worst ever’ bugs affecting the security of all computers and smartphones.