Development arm of Fusion
Do you use forms software such as OyezForms and Laserforms from Advanced? Here at Fusion we have built tools to ensure you can migrate any legacy forms to PDF providing you still have a valid license with Advanced. Our routine which can be fully managed or licensed for your internal use will hunt out, convert…
Fusion have a ew and exciting role to join the Development team?
We can’t escape the fact that the legal world is full of forms. Much of the data contained in these forms, you either ask your clients to fill in or complete them on their behalf. Often, the data that needs to go into these forms is already within your case management system, and you are…
Like any strong employee, with a little bit of investment, training and experience your computer systems can be autonomous, carry a large work load and deliver results. Office applications, document management systems and accounts systems are readily implemented to supplement and shave time off existing processes. We may use emails to replace letters, we may…
At Fusion, we pride ourselves on providing solutions for our clients however we are also always on the lookout for other firms who are also excelling in their products and services.
Fusion has launched their latest product, IDCheck.
Back in May we launched eSign, our online electronic signatures solution.
A Legal IT Firm Perspective More and more you are now seeing IT organisations concentrating and specialising in one particular area; be it digital signatures or ID Verification. Not only are they vying to become the industry leader, but they are also wholeheartedly embracing the now common approach of providing an API; namely a way…
Recently I came across a problem where I had to parse JSON in SQL and retrieve data in a table format. Parsing Simple JSON in SQL Let us take the following JSON as an example: { “employeeCode”:”E1″, “emailAddress”:”[email protected]”, “firstName”:”nathan”, “lastName”:”poole”, “jobTitleName”:”Developer”, “userId”:”npoole” } In SQL you must declare JSON as NVARCHAR(MAX) and select using “OPENJSON”…
Power BI doesnt really have any version control, I recently overwrote a report with a version that was incorrect. After some research I realiased the only way would be to restore the SQL sever, but instead of restoring the whole database I realised that all the data was effectivly in 3 fields in the CatalogItemExtendedContent…