I started my career as most people do – at the bottom. After leaving college I went straight into an IT position at a Huddersfield based Chartered Accountants. It wasn’t long before they expanded overseas, giving me the perfect opportunity to develop my career. Whilst there, I also completed a computing qualification at the University of Leeds and polished my skills in Microsoft, Cisco, Lotus, Checkpoint, Citrix, A+ and Novell.
Matter changes to my document are not Saving! When you are in a document and notice that there are incorrect details that have been brought through the automatic fields, you cannot simply manually amend in the document because: When you go to save/print the document will update the fields automatically and bring the original data back through…
Client changes to my document are not Saving! When you are in a document and notice that there are incorrect details that have been brought through the automatic fields, you cannot simply manually amend in the document because: When you go to save/print the document will update the fields automatically and bring the original data back through…
What is Compare Compare Documents is a tool that allows you to compare one document against another by creating a new document containing track changes. This allows you to view all or any changes that you may not know about, without having to alter any previous documents. What can I compare? Documents with a specific version…
Thomson Reuters Professional UK hosted their VANTAGE 2018 EMEA Regional Conference in London this week #VANTAGELondon2018.
MatterSphere will allow you to copy an existing Associate or all Associates from one matter to another matter for the same Client. How is this beneficial? Not having to search for the same contact again Reproducing Associate lists quickly between Client Matters Will recognise if the Associate already exists on the matter. Restrictions Associate detail is…
Table of Contents not working how you want it to? Here are some of the most common TOC errors and how to fix them.
The formatting of a table of contents does not always appear exactly as you would like. You can easily modify the fonts, colours indents etc. You can also apply these to different levels of the table of contents to make it easier to differentiate between multiple sub-levels of headings. Formatting a Table of Contents You…
Intel have released a large set of firmware upgrades (updates) for most processors less than five years old, but unfortunately these were found to be very unstable and were causing a lot of servers to crash, so they have been pulled away again!
When creating or editing a long document you may benefit from creating a Table of Contents for the document as finding the clauses/paragraphs you wish to look at can be time consuming and tedious. The Benefits of a Table of Contents Once created if you change the document i.e. add new paragraphs or alter page…
NHS Digital has declared public cloud services to be a safe location for health and social care providers to store confidential patient information.